Awaiting location services.
Last Fix {{secondsSinceFix | number:1}} s ±{{current.acc | number:0}}ft
Observer Location Name
Click the + button at the bottom of the screen to add observer points. Then walk around to your intended target locations and click the + button on the desired observer to add the current location as a target.
{{}} {{getDistance(base.position, current) | number:1}} yds
{{base.points.length}} targets min/avg/max {{base.min | number:0}}/{{base.avg | number:0}}/{{base.max | number:0}}
No points have been added.
{{point.distance | number:2}} yards
Raw GPS Data (units are m, m/s, & deg)
{{key | splitCamel}}{{value}}
Last Fix{{secondsSinceFix | number:1}} s
Log Entries:
{{entry.time | date:'HH:mm'}} {{entry.msg}}